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M&A, Activism & Special Situations


What We Do

  • Review of documentation – Governance and Messaging: This includes suggestions for all documentation, including Chair’s letter and analysis of a survey questionnaire delivered to retail shareholders.
  • Share register and beneficial ownership analysis: including Identification of the Key Institutional and targeted retailsshareholders and the proxy advisors and other influencers they subscribe to and their voting influence over the register.
  • Proxy Advisor Engagement Support: We prepare Directors for engagement meetings, source and distribute reports where appropriate, and provide a written response in the event of a negative recommendation.
  • Shareholder Engagement Program: A meticulously planned and executed campaign to extract maximum support and participation from the Institutional and Retail shareholders.
  • Micro Website, Social Media and Advertising and Email Campaigns
Activism – Proxy Fights

What We Do

Alliance Advisors can advise corporations on how to defend themselves from an activist attack or advise an activist.

  • All activist defense programs start with an institutional Investor analysis to identify major shareholders.
  • For either offense or defense we can advise on the appropriate content of public statements, what to send to shareholders, and when.
  • Once the fight is under way, we can conduct outreach programs to both institutional and retail shareholders.
  • Through our Proxy Logistics division, we can handle SEC filings, printing, proxy solicitation and tabulation.
Special Situations – Information Agent

What We Do

Alliance Advisors can advise on tender offers, redemptions and all types of special situations.

  • Distribute offering materials to bank and broker Corporate Action departments.
  • We will monitor how the transaction at hand is being received by your shareholders through interaction with key shareholders.
  • Set up and train staff to answer incoming calls regarding the transaction.
  • Monitor actual responses coming into Corporate Actions departments.

New York Washington DC • Toronto London
Durban  Taipei Hong Kong Seoul

Alliance Advisors is an independent advisory firm focused on Shareholder Meeting Advisory, Shareholder Engagement, Compensation, Governance & Sustainability services through our global network.

We go beyond, from development to execution of bold, client-first strategies, resulting in winning outcomes.

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