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Frank E. Testa, CMT

Senior Vice President

Frank is a Senior Vice President in the Investor Intelligence Group at Alliance Advisors and launched the firm’s Market Surveillance/Activist Watch programs. As a Chartered Market Technician (CMT), Frank is able to explain the forces that are impacting the client’s stock price and why the stock is behaving in such a manner. In addition, Frank works closely with Alliance’s Proxy Solicitation Group and plays a vital role in uncovering how the institutional investors have voted during the proxy solicitation campaigns. Frank began his career in 1988 as an analyst in the market surveillance department of a prominent proxy solicitation firm. Frank is the author of « Candlesticks: Shedding Light on Pattern Analysis » and developed the Power Point & Figure Charting Method. Frank graduated with a B.A. in Business Administration and a minor in Economics from William Patterson University.

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Head shot of Frank E. Testa, CMT, Senior Vice President

Frank E. Testa, CMT

Senior Vice President

Frank is a Senior Vice President in the Investor Intelligence Group at Alliance Advisors and launched the firm’s Market Surveillance/Activist Watch programs. As a Chartered Market Technician (CMT), Frank is able to explain the forces that are impacting the client’s stock price and why the stock is behaving in such a manner. In addition, Frank works closely with Alliance’s Proxy Solicitation Group and plays a vital role in uncovering how the institutional investors have voted during the proxy solicitation campaigns. Frank began his career in 1988 as an analyst in the market surveillance department of a prominent proxy solicitation firm. Frank is the author of « Candlesticks: Shedding Light on Pattern Analysis » and developed the Power Point & Figure Charting Method. Frank graduated with a B.A. in Business Administration and a minor in Economics from William Patterson University.

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