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Case Study: Say on Pay Vote Projection

Global Consumer Products Company

Global consumer products

Assignment and Challenges

Our client is a member of the S&P 100 with a market capitalization north of $120 billion dollars. This high-profile consumer products company was facing three shareholder proposals and a contentious Say-On-Pay vote at their 2023 annual shareholder meeting.

Alliance Advisors was retained to provide this client with advisory services and proxy solicitation to maximize voting support for the Board’s recommendations. One of the Advisory tools that we applied to assist our client was a series of vote projections. This allowed the client to properly set internal expectations and to focus their engagement efforts with their shareholders.


Using our proprietary database and comprehensive knowledge of investor voting trends and policies, Alliance Advisors developed a very detailed analysis of the shareholder base. The data on the underlying shareholders and their voting policies served as the foundation of our vote projections.


Alliance Advisors correctly predicted positive outcomes for our client on the four proposals below several weeks before the actual meeting date. Our projections were so accurate that three of the final voting results were within less than a 1% margin of the expected voting results.

Proxy Solicitation, Say on Pay Vote Projection

Global Consumer Products Company

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Alliance Advisors est une société de conseil indépendante spécialisée dans les services-conseils en matière d’assemblées d’actionnaires, d’engagement des actionnaires, de rémunération, de gouvernance et de développement durable par l’intermédiaire de son réseau mondial.

Nous allons au-delà, de l’élaboration à l’exécution de stratégies audacieuses et axées sur le client, ce qui se traduit par des résultats gagnants.

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