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Angelika Horstmeier

Managing Director

With more than 20 years experience in supporting listed companies in the development of their corporate governance communication and engagement with institutional shareholders, Angelika is an expert in Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meeting and Activism advisory.

She is a regular public speaker on topics relating to current Corporate Governance topics in the EMEA region and is based in our London Office.

Recent articles by Angelika Horstmeier

Head shot of Angelika Horstmeier, Managing Director

Angelika Horstmeier

Managing Director

With more than 20 years experience in supporting listed companies in the development of their corporate governance communication and engagement with institutional shareholders, Angelika is an expert in Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meeting and Activism advisory.

She is a regular public speaker on topics relating to current Corporate Governance topics in the EMEA region and is based in our London Office.

Recent articles by Angelika Horstmeier


Shareholder Meeting Advisory & Shareholder EngagenmentCompensation, Governance & Sustainability AdvisoryInvestor Ownership IntelligenceRetail Outreach



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Alliance Advisors is an independent advisory firm focused on Shareholder Meeting Advisory, Shareholder Engagement, Compensation, Governance & Sustainability services through our global network.

We go beyond, from development to execution of bold, client-first strategies, resulting in winning outcomes.

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