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Case Study: Remuneration Proposal. Shareholder Meeting Advisory – Shareholder Engagement

Fintech Company

stock market index board

Assignment and Challenges

Our client is a Fintech, $1.6 billion market cap company listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), headquartered in Israel. Alliance Advisors was hired to ensure the passage of a management remuneration proposal. The company had faced corporate governance issues in the past on matters that were acceptable in its home market but in conflict with market practices for LSE-listed companies.

The company was expecting negative recommendations from proxy advisors and retained Alliance Advisors to guide them through the process.


Alliance Advisors designed a program focused on key institutional investors and proxy advisors. Our program focused on the positive steps the company had taken to bring the company’s policies in line with LSE guidelines. Alliance Advisors was able to position the company in front of proxy advisors and institutional investors before they issued their vote recommendations thus heading off negative vote recommendations.


All matters put before shareholders passed even though not all investors supported management. As part of the strategy, Alliance Advisors conducted a broad solicitation to overcome the negative voting which resulted in higher voter participation than in previous years.

Compensation Advisory & Proxy Solicitation, AGM – Shareholder Engagement

Fintech Company

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