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Race Chan (陳鋭然)

Vice President & Head of Investor Intelligence, Greater China

Race Chan (陳鋭然) is Vice President and Head of Investor Intelligence for Greater China at Alliance Advisors where he is responsible for shareholder identification and stock surveillance operations in the region.

Race is an experienced investor relations specialist, with over 10 years of experience in stock surveillance, shareholder tracking, targeting and engagement. Prior to joining Alliance, Race was the investor relations director at Wonderful Sky Financial Group, where he managed the Greater China team that provides market intelligence, gap analysis and advisory services to C-suite, board members, investor relations teams, intermediaries and legal advisors.  His team provided hundreds of shareholder surveillance reports and advisory services before the companies’ AGMs and EGMs. Race earned wide respect among clients and advisors for delivering results in ultrahigh identify rate and effective engagement solutions. Race has also worked with listed companies to develop coherent ESG strategies that comply with regulations and help them to get ready for the wave of sustainable investments.

Race holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Macquarie University, Australia.

Headshot of Race Chan (陳鋭然), Vice President & Head of Investor Intelligence, Greater China

Race Chan (陳鋭然)

Vice President & Head of Investor Intelligence, Greater China

Race Chan (陳鋭然) is Vice President and Head of Investor Intelligence for Greater China at Alliance Advisors where he is responsible for shareholder identification and stock surveillance operations in the region.

Race is an experienced investor relations specialist, with over 10 years of experience in stock surveillance, shareholder tracking, targeting and engagement. Prior to joining Alliance, Race was the investor relations director at Wonderful Sky Financial Group, where he managed the Greater China team that provides market intelligence, gap analysis and advisory services to C-suite, board members, investor relations teams, intermediaries and legal advisors.  His team provided hundreds of shareholder surveillance reports and advisory services before the companies’ AGMs and EGMs. Race earned wide respect among clients and advisors for delivering results in ultrahigh identify rate and effective engagement solutions. Race has also worked with listed companies to develop coherent ESG strategies that comply with regulations and help them to get ready for the wave of sustainable investments.

Race holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Macquarie University, Australia.


Shareholder Meeting Advisory & Shareholder EngagenmentInvestor Ownership Intelligence



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