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Going Beyond: Policy Updates

Proposed Policy Updates For Canada in 2023: ISS and GL

On Nov. 4, 2022, ISS released its proposed benchmark policy changes for 2023. For Canada, the two policy consultations deal with board composition and accountability matters, respectively. The proposed voting policies are not new constructs as they were already announced in other markets last year. Thereby, most readers should not be surprised of their inclusion in the Canadian Policy Consultation.

Below is a summary of the updates planned for the Canadian market.

Alliance Advisors will continue to review and publish executive summaries on most of Glass Lewis’ 2023 policies as they become available. Furthermore, Alliance’s highly experienced traditional Governance and ESG analytics professionals can provide guidance and expertise needed to enhance the process, maximize policy support and underwrite successful resolution advisory support such as board composition and competency reviews, executive and board remuneration structure evaluation, as well as ESG and sustainability strategy assessment and corresponding disclosure.

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