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의결권 관련 실무 및 가상 주주총회

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The Proxy Logistics Group at Alliance Advisors provides clients with a single source solution to handle all aspects of your obligations and tasks required to conduct a shareholder meeting.

  • Our single source solution eliminates the need for our clients to coordinate scheduling and production with their transfer agent, DTC, financial printers, transporters, web hosting firms, mailing and distribution centers and the various proxy intermediaries for their shareholder meetings.
  • With hundreds of corporate clients serviced annually, our Proxy Logistics experts will take over managing this end to end process from printing and mailing to vote tabulation and Inspector of Elections for annual, special and contested meetings.
  • Our clients, both large and small, utilize our turnkey model to ensure all procedures are properly executed, all timetables are met and the entire proxy process is professionally managed with a view towards financial efficiencies.
Virtual Shareholder Meetings

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Alliance Advisors offers a convenient and effective solution for companies that want to conduct a virtual or hybrid shareholder meeting.

Our service includes:

  • Shareholder Verification Protocol.
  • Meeting Presentation Materials and Branding.
  • Administrative Privileges to Board Members.
  • Beneficial and Registered Holder Day of Meeting Secure Voting Capabilities.
  • Shareholder Q&A Features.
  • Meeting Playback File for your Company Website.

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Durban  Taipei Hong Kong Seoul

Alliance Advisors는 글로벌 네트워크를 통해 주주 회의 자문, 주주 참여, 보상, 거버넌스 및 지속 가능성 서비스에 중점을 둔 독립 자문 회사입니다.

우리는 개발에서 대담한 고객 우선 전략의 실행에 이르기까지 그 이상을 추구하여 성공적인 결과를 가져옵니다.

우리의 서비스

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