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Weiwen Gu (顧瑋文)

Vice President of Client Solutions

Weiwen Gu joined Alliance Advisors in 2016 and has been involved in shareholder activism, corporate advisory, stock surveillance, proxy solicitation, and shareholder engagement functions.

As Vice President of Client Solutions, Weiwen has provided proxy solicitation and ESG advisory services to many publicly-traded companies across all sectors in Asia, including shareholder identification, proxy solicitation, ESG consulting and other services. In recent years Weiwen has worked on many of the largest proxy contests, M&A transactions, and other shareholder activist situations in Asia.

Weiwen received her Master’s degree in Finance from University of Maryland and her Bachelor’s from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics.

Head shot of Weiwen Gu (顧瑋文), Vice President of Client Solutions

Weiwen Gu (顧瑋文)

Vice President of Client Solutions

Weiwen Gu joined Alliance Advisors in 2016 and has been involved in shareholder activism, corporate advisory, stock surveillance, proxy solicitation, and shareholder engagement functions.

As Vice President of Client Solutions, Weiwen has provided proxy solicitation and ESG advisory services to many publicly-traded companies across all sectors in Asia, including shareholder identification, proxy solicitation, ESG consulting and other services. In recent years Weiwen has worked on many of the largest proxy contests, M&A transactions, and other shareholder activist situations in Asia.

Weiwen received her Master’s degree in Finance from University of Maryland and her Bachelor’s from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics.




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Alliance Advisors est une société de conseil indépendante spécialisée dans les services-conseils en matière d’assemblées d’actionnaires, d’engagement des actionnaires, de rémunération, de gouvernance et de développement durable par l’intermédiaire de son réseau mondial.

Nous allons au-delà, de l’élaboration à l’exécution de stratégies audacieuses et axées sur le client, ce qui se traduit par des résultats gagnants.

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