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Jason Bubet

Vice President, Proxy Logistics

Jason Bubet is an Assistant Vice President in the Proxy Logistics Group at Alliance Advisors. He manages operational functions for client shareholder meetings including printing, web hosting, registered holder mailings and proxy distribution. Jason also advises clients on the selection of Full Set Delivery or Notice Only mailing models for their meeting. Prior to this position, Jason was a team leader in the Alliance call center and has been in the proxy industry since 2014.

Head shot of Jason Bubet, Vice President, Proxy Logistics

Jason Bubet

Vice President, Proxy Logistics

Jason Bubet is an Assistant Vice President in the Proxy Logistics Group at Alliance Advisors. He manages operational functions for client shareholder meetings including printing, web hosting, registered holder mailings and proxy distribution. Jason also advises clients on the selection of Full Set Delivery or Notice Only mailing models for their meeting. Prior to this position, Jason was a team leader in the Alliance call center and has been in the proxy industry since 2014.


Shareholder Meeting Advisory & Shareholder Engagenment


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Alliance Advisors est une société de conseil indépendante spécialisée dans les services-conseils en matière d’assemblées d’actionnaires, d’engagement des actionnaires, de rémunération, de gouvernance et de développement durable par l’intermédiaire de son réseau mondial.

Nous allons au-delà, de l’élaboration à l’exécution de stratégies audacieuses et axées sur le client, ce qui se traduit par des résultats gagnants.

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